Finding Hearts

I see hearts all the time ~ at just the right time. Heart-shaped clouds appear just as I’m about to cry or a heart-shaped leaf falls right in my path in the middle of a stressful day. I’ve seen cracks in cement formed into heart-shaped perfection right before my foot falls on top of it, making me smile. And, there’s the potato chip hearts I’ve plucked out of the bag right as I’m contemplating a decision.

I smile each time.

My oldest daughter thinks I search for them, so of course I find them. Since I’m involved with the Children’s Heart Foundation and hearts are always on my mind, then of course I see them!

But I think it’s something else.

When I see a heart, I choose to believe it’s God’s way of assuring me that I’m on the right path, or that He’s at least walking the path with me. I know many who have lost children and believe it’s their little angel sending them a message, letting them know they are present. I believe that too.

I do not believe God reaches down and pushes the dead clump of grass into a heart right before I walk by that spot on the sidewalk. But I do believe He guides me to look there – at just the right time. He lets me know He’s there, as a friend, if I need him. And since my mind is open to messages, I get them.

Maybe these little hearts are helping me make a decision by reminding me to choose the path that was born out of love. If I lead with my heart, any decision I make can’t be wrong. And, sometimes I think they’re gentle reminders to not be self-critical, but to love my life and trust every path I’ve chosen.

For a moment in time, I’m reminded that I’m not alone and I’m an important member of this universe, contributing to it and receiving gifts from it. I’m connected to the spiritual world even while in the human material world.

So, take a deep breath, open your mind, lead with your heart, and I guarantee, you’ll see a heart shape today ~ and you’ll smile! ❤ When you do, let me know!
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